Anime Review: Orguss 02

Orguss 02

Review Orguss 02 Written by Warpshadow Rating Very good

Perhaps the most rewarding thing that any art critic can ever do is to use his use his voice so to say to promote a piece of art that despite being unrecognized is a quality work. For me Orguss 02 is one of those times.

Two hundred years ago an unexplained event littered the world with mechs known as decimators. After a series of wars two countries, Rivilia and Zafrin, became prominent. Lean is a assistant mechanic who helping to dredge decimators from the bottom of the ocean for Rivilia. At that moment he is attacked by Zafrin forces and fights them off using a newly found decimator. Unfortunately his boss does not survive the battle and his repair shop is about to be foreclosed. Desperate for money Lean joins the Rivilian military and takes a mission to spy on the enemy.

Orguss 02 is a six episode Oav based on the television show Orguss. Unfortunately I haven't seen the show but guessing from this Oav it looks like good stuff. Except for a short exposition piece later in the show there is no need at all to watch the original to understand this. Given the running time of the Oav the plot very deep and complex, although not confusing. The same could be said for the characters as they get a lot of development, especially for a six episode Oav. Another big plus for this show is the even though there are mecha in it they do not overtake the story the way they can in weaker shows. With the addition of quality animation Orguss 02 is an overall winner.

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