Anime Review: Neo Tokyo

Neo Tokyo

Review Neo Tokyo aka Manie-Manie Meikyu Monogatari Written by Warpshadow Rating good/ very good

Despite almost complete lack of a plot or strong characters Neo Tokyo is still a fun, short animated movie to watch. It is the sort of movie that you watch for the art and also it doesn't take all that long to watch.

Neo Tokyo unlike the name has nothing to do with a futuristic City. In fact Neo Tokyo is a collection of three short movies by three different directors. The various movies have almost no connection to each other. The only loose thread that hangs the stories together is the idea that the characters from the first movie are watching the second and third movies.

As with most animated movies that are collages of different stories the high point of the movie is the animation. The art style of Neo Tokyo varies from story to story but always is of a high caliber. The move was made before computer animation so the art is decidedly old school but still lavishly done. Opinions on the three movies will differ but I found all three to be enjoyable. My favorite would have to be The Order to stop construction directed by the famed director of Akira Katsuhiro Otomo. Running at less than an hour total the one thing this movie won't do is try your patience.

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