Anime Review: Incredibles, The

Incredibles, The

Review The Incredibles Written by Warpshadow rating very good

A lot of anime fans give American animation a lot of grief, saying it is no good. However they are sometimes flat wrong and this movie is a good example of that. After all with Japanese anime being so popular these days it was only a matter of time before the Americans got their act together.

Mr. Incredible is a super hero and did a pretty good job of saving the day. That is until he was sued which started a chain of events that makes being a super hero Illegal. Fifteen years later he is living with a wife and kids and a soul crushing job in the insurance industry. One day he gets a job from a mysterious employer saying that they could use his powers for the cause of good. However when Mr Incredible gets in over his head is that very wife and kids that will save his bacon.

Whenever a movie tries to be more than one thing the most obvious challenge for the makers is that the various aspects of the movie do not conflict with each other. The Incredibles does this very well. The jokes are funny and the action scenes are action packed. There is also some moralizing about what it means to be an individual. That could have ruined the movie had it been handled poorly but as said before it doesn't interfere with the comedy or action, nor do they interfere with the moralizing. Combined with the excellent computer animation this is a good movie to watch.

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