Anime Review: Nurse witch Komugi

Nurse witch Komugi

Review Nurse witch Komugi Written by Warpshadow Rating very good

It takes a really weird mind to look at a horror show like Soul taker and make a magical girl spin off of the show. Then again when you have a weird mind you can sometimes make a great comedy, just like the people would made Nurse witch Komugi.

The evil virus king Angwar has escaped from his prison in the vaccine world. He escaped to the human world to cause mischief. This was a problem that needed solving so Mugimaru traveled to the human world and chose a girl to become the magical nurse. Even without being a magical girl Komugi Nakahara is ordinary girl. Now she has to balance saving the world and trying her hardest to become a popular idol at the same time, often with disastrous results. Even worse she has to fight the evil cat girl maid Koyori every so often.

This show is a fan service comedy and there are a good deal of fan service comedies in anime. Nurse witch Komugi is certainly one of the better ones that I have seen. The main reason is that the comedy is completely over the top, somewhat like Excel saga (heck there is even a Nabeshin cameo in one episode). There is also a good deal of parody in the show so a veteran anime fan may get more out of the show, however this is not a requirement. I heartily recommend this series.

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