Anime Review: Jinki Extend

Jinki Extend

Review Jinki Extend Written by Warpshadow Rating good/ very good

If there is one thing that can be counted on with anime it is that giant robots will never die. If you are a true fan of the genre you might want to take a look at Jinki extend, it's no classic but it is pretty good.

Aoba Tsuzaki is a somewhat normal girl who has just lost her grandmother. Then one day she is kidnapped and taken to Venezuela. The people who have abducted her are agents in an organization that fights monsters with mechs called Jinkis that is associated with Aoba's mother Shizuka (whom she has serious problems with). Aoba also likes putting together plastic models so she takes and instant liking to the Jinkis and wishes to pilot one. However she eventually finds out that is what her mother planned for he to do all along.

As an overall show Jinki Extend isn't bad at all. The characters are likable and the animation is decent. The action sequences are decent although the are nothing spectacular. There are couple of plot holes but the ending looks as if they are planning on a second season so those may be cleared up. The plot shifts in the middle to a somewhat different story but it connects at the end so bear with it. Overall this is a good series but it never felt ambitious enough to be great. I suggest this to mecha fans or to people who watch a lot of anime.

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