Anime Review: Outlaw Star

Outlaw Star

Review Outlaw Star Written by Warpshadow Rating good/ very good

When it aired Outlaw star stood in the lengthy shadow of Cowboy Bebop. While I am not saying that it is as good as show, Outlaw star is still fun in it's own right.

On a distant planet live two outlaws named Gene Starwind and Jim Hawking. Now they haven't done anything that wrong but when you live on the fringes of space you have to look out for yourself. One day a woman named Hilda comes asking the two to help her with a job. Only this job is a dangerous one as Hilda is being chased by Tao pirates, complete with magicians. But this is also an interesting job as there is a woman in a suitcase (still alive) and an experimental grappler ship involved.

Outlaw Star is primarily an action series but has some other elements mixed in as well. It is just as well since it handles the action segments better than others. The spaceship battles are especially good. The show follows a general story arc with it's fair share of filler episodes but overall most of the episodes stand alone. The characters are somewhat interesting but not really deep. While not a great show Outlaw Star does manage to be decent entertainment. If you have fond memories of this show or haven't been watching cartoon network long enough to know about this one you might want to see this one someday.

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