Anime Review: Human Crossing

Human Crossing

Review Human CrossingWritten by WarpshadowRating fair

Although it is nice to see something other than a bunch of hyperactive teenagers in anime it doesn’t mean I will enjoy anything just because it isn’t that. A show still needs good writing no matter what the subject material is.

The world is full of people. Every day each one of them goes about their life but in truth none of them is truly alone. They meet other people, they hurt others and they forgive others. These human crossing are the very threads that make up the fabric of a human life. This is a show about those very precious bonds that we all share.

Human Crossing is a collection of 13 one episode stories. What they all have in common is that they all deal with serious issues in people’s lives. This leads to the show’s major problem, many of the stories are preachy and have the tendency to resolves themselves far too quickly to be believable. This however is not a constant as is almost always the case in anthologies. If one could name a good point to this series it would be that the stories are emotionally uplifting however that is a matter of taste as what warms one person’s heart makes another want to bang his head against the wall. As for me I am closer to the second group of people and would avoid this series.

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