Anime Review: Nanatsuiro Drops

Nanatsuiro Drops

Review Nanatsuiro DropsWritten by WarpshadowRating good

While the magical girl genre has been partially changed into something into a collection of stories for little girls that doesn’t mean it still can’t be an innocent romantic story.

Tsuwabaki probably could consider his life to be normal until the day that he bumped into a strange man. It caused a mix up in juice cans which resulted in him being transformed into a stuffed animal. Luckily his teacher found him and told him how remove his curse. The answer lies with his Classmate Sumomo Akihime. Tsuwabaki tells Sumomo about collecting the seven star drops that Tsuwabaki or Yuki as she names him, needs to solve his problem. So begins a tale of magic, love and double lives.

Nanatsuiro drops is a pretty straightforward love story with a magical girl twist. This and the show’s relatively short length are the show’s strong points as Nanatsuiro Drops avoids becoming needlessly entangled with love polygons or drawing things out with indecisive characters. Rather it isn’t that those don’t happen at all it is just that one does not wait forever before the characters confess their feelings. Other than that the show is fairly straightforward although it does play on some of the tropes of the magical girl genre to an interesting effect. I think it is a good story but by no means a classic.

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