Anime Review: Night on the galactic railroad

Night on the galactic railroad

Review Night on the galactic railroad written by Warpshadow rating good/ very good

This movie is weird, and not weird in a comical way but the movie is still interesting. This not a good movie for the easily distracted but it is still a worthwhile movie.

Giovanni is a fairly normal boy who goes to school, has a part time job and lives with his sick mother. On the day of the star festival he is told to pick up some milk because the dairy man forgot it that day. After going to dairy and finding no one is there he lies down on the grass and stares at the stars. Much to his suprise a train appears next to him. In curiosity he boards the train, which is different than a normal train because it can take him to the ends of the universe.

Night on the galactic railroad is an interesting movie based on a novel by Kenji Miyazawa. That explains much about how this movie is different from most anime movies. The movie is philosophical about several different topics including religion and death. You may be scratching your head wondering why most of the characters are anthropormophic cats. The big problem however is that the movie is slow, especially before Giovanni boards the train. If you can survive until then the movie is worth watching. The animation feels a bit dated however the main point of the movie is not the visuals. While this isn't the best movie I have ever seen anyone with a taste for the intellectual should give this movie a spin.

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