Anime Review: My Dear Marie

My Dear Marie

Review My Dear Marie Written by Warpshadow Rating fair/ good

In my opinion My Dear Marie represents everything I don't like about Oavs. Namely they are often pieces of animation that are somewhat arcane to those not familiar with some other source material and that they often end without a good sense of completion.

Hiroshi Kagigari is in love with a girl at his college. Since he is too shy to tell her that he loves her he does the next best thing, create a robotic clone of her and names her Marie, just like the girl he is in love with. Hiroshi runs into a problem when his robotic Marie meets up with his classmates, especially the girl that he is interested in.

My Dear Marie is a three episode Oav. That is the biggest problem with the show as the overall story does feel almost missing as if the show was incomplete. Aside from this rather crippling limitation the show is pretty good. The characters show the beginnings of what could be complex personalities had the story been able to fully mature. It doesn't help that the second episode is devoted to introducing a character that doesn't appear in the third episode. There has been a lot worse made in the romance genre. Yet to see the story's full potential you would have to read the manga which is unfortunately not available in English. I do not recommend this.

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